Monday, June 11, 2007

Value, Value, Value !!!

RESULTS from MOONEE VALLEY 9-6-07 (Sydney washed out):

Top-Rated Runners:

* ROSLOTTA - 1st, Best fluc $6
* HILLSTON EXCHANGE - 1st, Best Fluc $9
* BAUGHURST - Photo 2nd at $21 on the tote and Quinella with $7 winner Clavillo (3rd-top-rated runner) paid huge on all totes...
* MUZDAHER - Beaten in 3-way go by out 3rd-pick Blitz'em Riley
* OUR APACHE - Wins if doesnt falter in his stride 100m out.

This from one of our subscribers this week:

"Thanks David, the first week I have paid I am now covered for two years worth of your service.. keep up the great work"
- John Meulin

... Want to pay $100's for favourites and one-word tips... sign-up elsewhere, want detailed form-comment and VALUE runners every week for the cost of a trifecta ticket?

Sign-up at

Just $29.95 per MONTH, that is $6.71 per week

David Gately